1) How long does it take until delivery, once I ordered designer pieces at Belmonte Studios?
• Orders with a shipping address in the United States and Norway take on average 27 - 29 business days from the time they are sent to arrive. Those products are displaying this shipping information at checkout.
• Orders with a shipping address in Australia and Canada take on average 8 - 10 business days from the time they are sent to arrive. Those products are displaying this shipping information at checkout.
• Orders with a shipping address outside of the countries named above take an average of 15 business days to arrive from the time they are sent. Those products are displaying this shipping information at checkout.
Processing times for an order vary between 2 - 7 business days.
In total, from the moment an order has been placed until it successfully arrives at the customer's given address, it may take up to 17 business days
Please bear in mind, that due to the Covid-19 situation, it may take additional time for your order to arrive. Nevertheless, our current order analytics show that the expected shipping times are met in most cases.
2) Do the big designer pieces and furniture take longer to be delivered?
Usually all our items are delivered within the time range we mentioned above. Please be aware of the fact that we offer designer pieces in cooperation with young and ambitious designers from all over the world. The pieces are therefore sent from different locations worldwide. This and the fact that our designer pieces come in different sizes and shapes, the shipping times can vary depending on the product ordered.
All shipping information is based on common processes and is not legally binding.